Artichoke Stuff

I am the Anarchic Artichoke and I know all...

Well maybe I don't know all but if I don't know something I'm still bound to have an opinion on it. One of my philosophies in life is "that which you do not know, pretend to know and then disparage!" Surely I'm too young to have fixed opinions on life you say? Well you have no idea how old I am...I could be as young as the mountains of Mordor or older than the potato and leek soup I made this'll never know. I am a wizard, a piece of moss, an enigmatic pineapple! Comin' at you from every angle!Perhaps I should call myself the Enigmatic Anarchic Artichoke...well that's a bit of a mouthful isn't it. What am I doing here then? The answer to that is simple...whatever the bloody hell I like.
So sit back, relax and listen to the ramblings of someone who buffets about on the winds of insanity and eats crazy for breakfast...who might even enjoy it.